Book Review: Berlitz Cruising & Cruise Ships 2020 with free eBook


Berlitz Cruising & Cruise Ships 2020 (Berlitz Cruise Guide with free eBook) Paperback 

60 pages paperback with FREE eBook and app
RRP: UK: £19.99

  • Gliding past the Statue of Liberty in the early-morning mist.
  • Sharing a drink with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton.
  • Marvelling at the green flash of the northern lights.
  • Gazing down on the world from the North Pole.

These are among author Douglas Ward’s cruise experience highlights from the 35-year span of Berlitz Cruising & Cruise Ships 2020, the world’s most authoritative and longest-running guide to cruising and cruise ships.

In this 35th edition, the 2020 ratings of 310 ocean-going ships are revealed, and this time the top 20 ships in each category (Large Resort, Mid-size, Boutique and Small) are highlighted in the extended Star Performers section. The book has increased to 760 pages, with a new “Ship as a Destination” chapter and several other chapters expanded – Cruising Uncovered, Expedition Cruising, Choose Where to Cruise, and Cuisine. The “Top of the Range” chapter has also been revised, with extensive insights into what to expect from luxury cruise experiences.

The varied needs of couples, families, seniors and solo travellers are explored, with vital information for first-timers, innovative ideas for ways cruise-goers can enhance their experiences, and a fascinating piece on what’s ahead for the industry. 

Bonus: This book also gives access to a free app and eBook, which contains the same invaluable content as the print edition.

CLICK HERE to purchase the guide

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Douglas Ward has completed over 6,200 days on ships and riverships on well over 1100 cruises, 159 transatlantic crossings, and countless Panama Canal transits, shipyard visits, ship-naming ceremonies and maiden voyages. 


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