Star Tours: The Adventures Continue at Disneyland Paris


Star Tours: The Adventures Continue opens at Disneyland Paris on 26 March 2017

Star Wars fans: put March 26 2017 in your diary and head to Disneyland Paris for their 25th anniversary celebrations. You will be assured a thrilling, totally immersive galactic journey of a lifetime – and all in amazing 3D. Watch the video:

This landmark year the Star Wars Adventure continues in ways never before experienced and in lands far far away. And there are more Star Wars heroes, villains, planets, ships and droids than you can ever shake a sabre laser at.

Brand new adventures

Disneyland Paris - Star Wars Darth Vader and troopers

(c) Disneyland Paris

Even if you have been before, everything you experience this time will be brand new. And even if you want to go again several times, it will never be the same. There are 70 different mission combinations which means you will never know where you will end up and who with.

Remember C-3PO? This lovable droid will be your pilot and along the way you will get to meet heroes and villains never seen before, planets you have never visited before and be immersed in battles and come across more ships and droids than ever before.

And when Darth Vader turns up, you know things are going to get dark and dangerous. Each scenario, journey and twist and turn is generated randomly so the adventure and the characters you meet will be different each time – and that includes characters such as Jakku, Naboo, Hoth or Tatoine the Death Star? You may even meet up with Princess Leia or Yoda.

Your mission with the Rebel Alliance

Space Mountain (c) Disneyland Paris

Space Mountain will transform into Star Wars Hyperspace Mountain. On this new adventure you join the famous Rebel Alliance.

You will be briefed by the famous Admiral Ackbar: “The Rebel Alliance needs your help monitoring a threat above the planet Jakku…”. The epic, heart-pumping Star Wars soundtrack heralds your blast off aboard a spaceship that crosses the galaxy at intense speed. Once there, it’s the thrill of evading TIE fighters and an intimidating Star Destroyer. Brace yourself though, the visuals and special effects are breathtaking.

So prepare for battle and may the Force be with you.

Disclaimer: this article was sponsored by Disneyland Paris

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